Sunday, June 13, 2010


So some things are doing really well.. or at least the same.. And some things are not so happy.
After doing some things I realized my problem may be

1. I am overwatering.. But I feel so bad for thoose dry little guys!
2. I am overfertilizing too.. Again, Wanna give the babies SO many vitamins.

So I now I am more educated. And hopefully everything will forgive me from my mistakes.

AND now for pictures!

Sweet williams got too hot! ahhh. Had to cut off their leaves as they were too far gone. I hope they grow back? ( this is before I cut them )

most of my squares/ garden looks like this. Some teeny tiny green leave has appeared!

Roma tomato is coming back! I saved him I think!

RADISHES! I wish gardening was this easy....

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