Monday, April 26, 2010

Buying.. and planning.

So I pretty much have all of my seeds!! I'm still on the hunt for.. Rosemary, Normal Mint & Potato seeds ( good for my region ) But..

Today I bought:

  • Crimison Giant Champion Radish
  • Onion Annual Bunching
  • Mesclun Salad mix

Now I'm going to do the tedious part - planning.

Planning where they are going to go.. planning who goes next to who.. or against the wall etc..etc.. Not my favorite part of gardening but definity an important part!

I think i'm going to dip into the potato land too.. bought a "potato tub" now I'm going to go to my local garden store and ask them ...what the heck I'm doing.

I've also never grown carrots before! eeek!

Anywho, Thats all thats new. Going to start my Seedlings indoors in the next few weeks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Bought some simple ..

  • Chives
  • Spearmint

Wanted Rosemary & Mint.. .but couldn't find them :( I will have to try my local Home hardware store. :(

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

BOUGHT some babies!

Today I bought a few pretty seeds! They are the following:

  • Roma box Tomato

  • Napoli carrot

  • Yaya carrot

  • Taledega Cucumber

  • Sugar Sprint Peas

  • Tortishell Spinach

  • Jetsetter Tomato

I hope to have the opportunity to purchase a fundraiser kit from my coworker again which includes:

  • Onion

  • Radish

  • Tiny Tim Tomato

  • Patio Cucumber

  • Baby leaf blend lettuce

I also purchased:
Mckenzie Seeds Culinary kit that has:

  • Early curled Simpson

  • Lettuce Prizehead

  • Lettuce Grand rapids

Going to pick-up some herbs tooooo... :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It begins...

So last year was my very first time gardening... anything! and I did rather well. Everything grew.. some things were not quite..usable ( ie.. Tomatoes and peppers) but it was a good learning experience!

Last year I also did gardening "outside the box" and did things in pots... Aka container gardening. It kept a lot of the common problems ( bugs, weeds, soil issues) non existant for me but created some problems like some plants were rootbound, could only grow certain varieties, cost & limited space for so many pots.

So this year I wanted to solve some of my issues and keep the things I avoided... A type of gardening was suggested to me.. Square foot gardening or SFQ for short.

Wiki's definition is " a strong focus on composting, closely planted raised beds with clearly defined areas. Well suited for begining gardeners and people with disabilities"

I bought the book.. I'm reading it... and I'm itching to start this new adventure of gardening!