Saturday, April 10, 2010

It begins...

So last year was my very first time gardening... anything! and I did rather well. Everything grew.. some things were not quite..usable ( ie.. Tomatoes and peppers) but it was a good learning experience!

Last year I also did gardening "outside the box" and did things in pots... Aka container gardening. It kept a lot of the common problems ( bugs, weeds, soil issues) non existant for me but created some problems like some plants were rootbound, could only grow certain varieties, cost & limited space for so many pots.

So this year I wanted to solve some of my issues and keep the things I avoided... A type of gardening was suggested to me.. Square foot gardening or SFQ for short.

Wiki's definition is " a strong focus on composting, closely planted raised beds with clearly defined areas. Well suited for begining gardeners and people with disabilities"

I bought the book.. I'm reading it... and I'm itching to start this new adventure of gardening!

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