Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So it appears my little seedlings might have some minor dampening off disease!

They are not growing anymore.. no new leaves or growth. And they are getting little holes/ rot in some leaves.

So I will space them out somehow. Get them some more air & water them with chamomile tea! I am rushing around and getting the Squares finished .. with dirt in them and ready to go so they can get settled in their new permanent home

Lets just hope it stops snowing!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. That doesn't sound like damping off disease. It sounds like an insect problem (flea beetles, perhaps?) Damping off will cause death; seedlings topple over at the soil line, their little stems all constricted.

    I haven't read all your posts--I just don't have time--but I want to gently encourage and reassure you. Gardening isn't always just like it is in the books, because plants, weather, pests, etc aren't always predictable. But please don't get discouraged. We've all gone through things like this, and more.

    It'll work out. It would likely help if the weather would behave somewhat...
