( First off... It's snowing where i live right now.. Everything is indoors, growing at the same rate or anything that was outside is now in.. and their growth in being stunted by the lack of sunshine and outdoors. )
I'm not an environment hippy. I don't ride my bike to work everyday or only consume products that are found in garbage cans.. BUT I am concerned about the environmental footprint I leave and try to do my part in helping the environment out ..
AND I AM a huge animal lover, And do EVERYTHING in my power to help animals. From the local shelters to the National and International Foundations.
SO to say the least... This BP oil spill simply has me FUMING. The impact it will have on the earth and the animals for years and years has me in tears... And I hope anyone who is reading this.. Realizes this too.. and will also do their part to somehow help this experience IE.
1. Boycott BP
2. Any effort you come across to help the spill, get involved/donate/participate in.
3. Join Boycott BP and other groups on facebook
4. Donate to any foundations that help the environment / the oil spill / the animals being affected by the oil spill ( my favorite is http://www.nwf.org/)
And thank you in advance for your help!