Sunday, May 30, 2010

Off topic - BOYCOTT BP

( First off... It's snowing where i live right now.. Everything is indoors, growing at the same rate or anything that was outside is now in.. and their growth in being stunted by the lack of sunshine and outdoors. )


I'm not an environment hippy. I don't ride my bike to work everyday or only consume products that are found in garbage cans.. BUT I am concerned about the environmental footprint I leave and try to do my part in helping the environment out ..

AND I AM a huge animal lover, And do EVERYTHING in my power to help animals. From the local shelters to the National and International Foundations.

SO to say the least... This BP oil spill simply has me FUMING. The impact it will have on the earth and the animals for years and years has me in tears... And I hope anyone who is reading this.. Realizes this too.. and will also do their part to somehow help this experience IE.

1. Boycott BP

2. Any effort you come across to help the spill, get involved/donate/participate in.

3. Join Boycott BP and other groups on facebook

4. Donate to any foundations that help the environment / the oil spill / the animals being affected by the oil spill ( my favorite is


And thank you in advance for your help!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Squares are made!

SO The "squares" are made. They were painted.. And put together & got the weed barrier stapled to the bottom. It will look so nice when it's all finished. I need to go buy the ingredients to "mel's mix" this week... But rain and possibly snow is predicted so I'm in noooo hurry!

Pansies new home! Oh and the juncus grass is at the back? hopefully thats a good combo?

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I was about to give up.. and suddenly... BABIES!!

Also.. painted all the boards.. ready to put the SFG box together tomorrow :) yiiiks.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New additions!

Juncus grass I came across at my local walmart. Fell in love! it's spiraled grass!

Bought a 2nd "kit" this time it's forget me nots! 1st pot of Sweet williams had a setback but I think I will see some seedlings very soon :)
The Seedlings.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Despite my moms pleads.. and my with my coworkers advice... I bought a Strawberry plant :) I rescued it from a Box store that was not taking care of her! I have her some water, some sun ( she was not in any form of sun ) some food & was deadheaded and she perked right up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Seedlings and rescues!

Seedlings are coming along very well.. Cucumbers have a true leaf! Tiny tim and other cucumber germinated finally! Rosemary has a teeny little leaf too.

HERE are my rescues! I saw these little guys on my front lawn.. and no I've never had flowers on my lawn.. So I dug them out and saved them. Put them in a nice can ( folders coffee container .. being eco friendly and reusing it as a pot ) and have them living outside by day in in the basement by night :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

just some pictures.

Here's just some pictures of my "greenhouse" of a bedroom. Look at all my greens.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bought this cute little kit..

So I was at my local overpriced drug store yesterday and I saw these cute little "kits" for flowers..
I bought "sweet williams" which is a "Friendship" flower.
The kit included a little peat pellet, a terra cotta pot, and a small packet of seeds.
Cute and super fun.. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Sorry I lost my Camera but here is the latest!

Cucumbers are cute seedlings
Onions are ... baby onions
Jetsetter and roma are cute little guys
babiest of baby leaves from the mint /spearmint.

Had to replant 1 rosemary, 1 tiny tim & 1 cucumber .. as they didn't make it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Babies still growing!!

Babies are getting Bigger!!! Cucumbers, onion and even a few chives are showing some green! I can ALMOST see something happening under thoose tomatoes too !


Monday, May 10, 2010

Babies are growing!

So I cut off the tops of these cool little "fiber pots" because the mesh seems very hard for the little seedlings to get through.. Found some 'green bumps' in the soil underneath!! eeeee!!

cucumbers!the whole bunch of them :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yep? I purchased some Pansies? I don't know a thing about them...But they're called "matrix" pansies! like my car! therefore I had to buy them. They're chillin with my seedlings.. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

planted the babies!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

one more eco step..

So I went to go get the mckenzie peat pellets for tomato seeds I got last year.. And wasn't able to find them :( so I found these other ones.. By planters pride/ Fiber grow. That our enviromentally friendly and are made of "fiber" aka coconut coir.. They are smaller but were way cheaper too.. so I bought 2 just incase i needed to space them out.

Well when I got home I realized how cool these little guys are.. & why peat pots are not so great. Peat is a limited resource, that creates a unique ecosystem.. and when it is removed it causes great stress to it's natural enviroment.

So what the heck! Here we go Mr. Fiber.

And to anyone else.. To find out more about these cool products and how they are trying to make horticulture a little more eco friendly visit... or

Sunday, May 2, 2010

So I dug up the yard.. got rid of the majority of grass where I'm putting my SFG.

What a mess! Also marked out where the SFG's are going to be so I could visualize it a bit.
So excited to start my seeds this week! even though its SNOWING outside.