Thursday, May 6, 2010

one more eco step..

So I went to go get the mckenzie peat pellets for tomato seeds I got last year.. And wasn't able to find them :( so I found these other ones.. By planters pride/ Fiber grow. That our enviromentally friendly and are made of "fiber" aka coconut coir.. They are smaller but were way cheaper too.. so I bought 2 just incase i needed to space them out.

Well when I got home I realized how cool these little guys are.. & why peat pots are not so great. Peat is a limited resource, that creates a unique ecosystem.. and when it is removed it causes great stress to it's natural enviroment.

So what the heck! Here we go Mr. Fiber.

And to anyone else.. To find out more about these cool products and how they are trying to make horticulture a little more eco friendly visit... or

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