Sunday, April 27, 2014

one week ago

I started some seedlings. Exactly 1 week ago. Most of their Germination period said 7-14 days so I wasn't expecting too much..
I have pretty much total Success! Almost every single pod has some form of growth happening in it ( aside from the rosemary which I know is a hard starter )

Here are some happy onions!

I don't know if you can see that the pansies are kinda coming..

Manitoba Tomatoes 

Tumbler Tomatoes

Subarctic Tomatoes

Cucumbers! ( They came out after like 4 days )

Basil and Sage 

And then today I planted the sweetpeas outside and! Some Iris's. 
I also started some Forget me not seeds that I got from the pet expo yesterday. I will plant them in memory of all my previous pets. <3 p="">

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