Wow, Long time nooooo news. Well I did ALL my gardening this weekend. This year I did part container gardening and part Square foot gardening. Big needy plants like Cucumbers & tomatoes just didn't do so well in my SFG last year so I choose to go back to "patio" gardening for them. But the lettuce, carrots & peas did so well having a raised bed.. I choose to keep them in there this year. I hope this year I will get the best of both worlds. :)
These are my "Birdseed sunflowers" that I rescued from underneath my birdfeeder.

Seedlings and empy SFG.

Box #1
Top row is Snap peas, Celery (bought seedling) & snap peas again
Middle row is Igloo (iceberg) lettuce, Mesclun lettuce & igloo again.
Bottom row is all Little finger carrots.

Top pot is Marketmore cucumber.
Then onions and rosemary
All bought seedlings.

This second box is the same as the first exept The mesclun mix lettuce is replaced with radish seeds!

Top 2 pots are oregon spring tomato & patio tomato.
bottom is marketmore cucumber.

Box #3 is the exact same as #1.

Yukon gold potatoes in potato bin.
Dwarf sunflower in small green pot
MY herb pot in the front with Sage, Thyme & Lemon basil. ( may I add these are 29.99 at my local home improvement store )

Hanging baskets. & birdfeeder

potted plants in the front. Pansies & other container flowers.