So this is my new hobby. Not Gardening, but rescue gardening! So many plants given a half hearted chance at life.. and then given to the hands of teenagers running the "garden" sections of the department/box/hardware/grocery store. Anywho. I REALLY ENJOY comments. Makes me so happy knowing other people are out there saving the rejects / neglected plants out there!
So here's Todays findings:
Petunia hanging basket with a few sad looking purple with white lines. I believe they are called violet stars :)! I LOVE THEM but refused to pay such outrageous prices.. Well I got this sad and mildly diseased plant for 10$ YEY!
And from the same store is this other petunia.. a "plum crystal" version.
SO I combined them. As I thought they would look amazing together ( oh and I found a white petunia in the mix! ) I think with a little love this plant will be AMAZING, and better then any 50$ hanger thoose stores are asking. ( The other petunia plant I rescued is behind it )
OH and according to some websites on the internet Petunia's represent : Resentment, Anger & "Your presence soothes me"
Here is a picture of the little guys who started it all. The Matrix pansies. I bought them because I liked the name Matrix ( like my new car! ) and bought them, not knowing anything about flowers. Well now ..10 varieties of flowers later... here they are happy as can be!
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