Sunday, July 4, 2010

2 WEEK updates!

I just couldn't help it! I have to post more update pictures.. But REALLY the last 2 weeks.. things have pretty much doubled. I didn't notice it either until I looked at the pictures. Here are the changes.

JUNE 26TH - potatoes


Back wood pot - mint
Back green pot - spearmint
Big purple pot - Strawberries
Big wood pot - Pansies
Red pot at front - rescue pansies
June 22nd:

Same pots
( added marigold yesterday!)
July 4th -

Top Row - Tomato, cucumber, tomato
Middle Row - Napoli Carrots
Bottom Row - Curled Simpson, Prizehead, Grand Rapids.

June 22nd -

Same Box
July 4th -
2nd box
Top Row : Sweet 100 Tomato ( grown by burpee ), Cucumbers, Peas
Middle Row : Yaya Carrots
Bottom Row : Chives, Radishes, Onions
June 22nd -

Same Box
July 4th -
3rd box
Top Row : Spinach, Peas, Tomatos.
Middle Row: Yaya Carrots, Napoli Carrots, Peas
Bottom Row : Mesclun mix, Spinach, Iceberg.

Same Box
July 4th -


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