So for the last 2 weeks (since I planted the seedlings/ started the seeds outside ) it has rained. Seriously were only a few moments of sunshine in this time period, And yet, my little guys are doing rather well! Got a little bit of green in every single square. Here are some pictures!

Middle pots (look at how the pansies in the wood barrel are filling up!)

The rescue pansies!


Box #3 - And struggling
roma tomato on the left :(

So far.. I have learned a few things from this year to last year.
1. Do not use Smaller peat /coconut coir pellets. EVEN though the box said they could live in them 5 weeks.. Their roots were all intertwined underneath and very
angry. It totally stunted the growth of my seedlings indoors. They were almost twice as big last year.. and were started later. I will return to the larger tomato pellets next year.. and they will most likely be peat.
2. Using Fertilizer once your seedlings are established makes a difference. Really. I couldn't find a organic water soluble fertilizer so I skipped it. And it's
noticeable - Seedlings could have used it. Since they got 2 doses they are much happier and healthier looking. Will not do that again.
3. I skimped on the pellets.. Didn't wanna buy the bigger tray. So I was convinced all seeds would germinate.. and be super strong perfect plants -Wrong again. A cucumber plant and a tomato plant are a few weeks behind... And may never produce crop before winter comes. :(
4. Don't over baby. I over watered because they 'looked dry' and killed a few planted by overwatering. Thought some flowers were too tiny to be outside exposed - So i stuck them under a container outside - By the time I got home from work, they had been steamed to a crisp. Don't OVER fertilize or you will chemically BURN the babies.. etc.