So I've been searching for Gardening books. But not the "use this to make this grow" and "don't do this or they will die" I have a few of thoose books and they all seem to repeat themselves.. or WORSE! contradict eachother.. So I was looking for something funny.. and educational in some weird way & I stumbled across this book. 

I haven't Started it yet, But from what I understand it's a bit more of a personal story. Which is exactly what I was looking for! And there is a second book I hear.
I also want to get my hands on this book :

All about one mans quest to have a garden.. I guess when it's all said and done.. the cost to make and keep the garden makes each tomato 64$.
I also discovered in my Amazon search that Chicken Soup for the soul has a gardeners soul one too..
I also bought this last year.. And in some weird little way it taught me a bit!
If anyone else out there knows of books about peoples gardening journals... Lemme know!
Left you a couple recommendations on a Blotanical message!